As many of you know, "travail" simply means working hard usually with some pain or trouble thrown into the mix. Traveling is never easy, usually it ends up involving some travail-ing material along the way. This trip would prove no exception.
Somehow when you make plans and your just looking at air tickets and traffic control, it doesn't seem so bad. But when you have to return to the airport again and again, you start to think that perhaps you should have made friends the first time with the security guards or at least shop keeper. But that is the power of travel - lost connections and new opportunities around hidden corners.
The thing you have to remember is karma exsists and it bites you in the behind (often). It also opens new doors. As humans we have to accept presented challanges and press onward. It really is how you enjoy the experience.
All I can say is I have now spent as much time in the Oslo airport as I have in the Cleveland airport (and I've been going to Cleveland my entire life).
I'm sorry I couldn't blog, tweet, or e-mail much from the road. Due to lack of time, lack of power outlets, and lack of computer (we'll get to that)... there just wasn't much of an opportunity.
I hope you enjoy my trip to Norway... I'll be writing posts about it for the next few days...
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