Wednesday, August 18, 2010
July 25, 2010 Svalbard: Leaving Longyearbyen heading out to sea

Sunday, August 15, 2010
July 25, 2010 (Sun) Oslo, Longyearbyen and the EXPLORER!!!
July 24, 2010: Oslo, Norway (no airport)

Saturday, August 14, 2010
July 23, 2010: North Norway back to Oslo
Leaving the museum we walked toward the Roald Amundson statue. In the US, everone knows Shackleton's survival story, but few know the importance of this early 20th century adventurer. Amundson was a Norweigian explorer whose many accomplishments include being the first to reach both the North and South Poles and the first to cross from Spitsbergen to Canada's Northwest Passage via the Arctic.
Thursday, August 12, 2010
July 22, 2010 North Norway
Following breakfast The Finnish Holm family (including our ex-patriot Jimmy) and I piled back in the car for a drive to Finland. Before we took off, we stopped by the priests house to pick up his grocery list. Because Finland is on the Euro and prices are generally cheaper, when one neighbor makes a run to the other side of the border, neighbors will have you shop for them.

Sunday, August 8, 2010
July 21, 2010: North Norway
I gazed up at the mountain and started to seriously wonder again what I had gotten myself into. It was already after 4pm and the climb would take a while. I'm by no means an experienced mountain climber and looking at the mountain I couldn't quite figure out how we were going to do this as I could not find a trail, but I was game and figured we could go about half way and return down.
Marta decided to stay at the cafe/gift shop and let the rest of us climb. The snow didn't look all that far away and we made that our goal. The rest of us, with Jimmy in the lead, climbed upward. We stopped several times to allow me to catch my breath, take in the scenery, and rest. The altitude and excursion were starting to factor in with the travel exhaustion. Once we reached the snow bank, we had a great time throwing snowballs and falling down. I am not quite flexible enough to remain on my feet and had a fantastic time sliding around. We walked to the snow melt and watched the stream. This was my first experience watching the power of water from the snow melt in Norway. It was just a small trickle, but looking down the weathered path, it was easy to see the continued power the rushing water created after a good storm or with the seasons first melt.
Finding our way back down the mountain was much easier. We stopped at a small rock pile in the clearing. In Norway there is a tradition of stacking rocks on top of each other. Once you stack your rocks you make a wish. They are also called rocks from home.
Driving even farther North opened new landscapes. Mountains are something we have in the lower 48 states. Mountains streaming with huge flows of water from glacier melt is something I don't see everyday. I'll admit I've never seen anything like the water flow. It's as if someone turned a huge spigot inside a small room and forgot to turn it off. The sound resonates through everything. The only time these streams don't flow is when they're frozen. It would not be until my second night that I realized there was no huge highway outside my bedroom window with rushing traffic, but the stream leading into the fjord; that is how loud the water is. The water just gushed from a couple places on each mountain. You can see evidence of other streams that have dried for the season from the mountains as water poured down huge streams just meters away. We drove around Balsfjorden with Birger pointing out the house across the wide span of water.
The house I was visiting was built by his grandfather many years before. In Norway to keep the property in the family, you must live on it. Because the local economy is still tied to farming and not much else, it would be hard to make a living in Northern Norway. Birger's retired German cousin owns the house now and lives on the land. As a girl who lives in Central Texas where the sun shines most of the year and the skies are wide open, I'm not sure I could live in a place where the sun hides and shadows loom over the land for several months a year.
Arriving at the house, I became acutely aware of my mono-linguistic issues. The problem with being an American who has no aptitude for languages, is I have to hope and accept the fact that I'm dependent on the goodwill of others. Before leaving Austin, Birger asked me what other languages I spoke. I find it depressing we don't emphasis basic knowledge of languages in America. Luckily, everyone in the house understood or spoke English and made the trip easy for me. Fredi spoke mainly German, but understood my English fare enough (and his English skills are quite good) and made the trip stress free. The Hellman-Holm household is delightful, warm, welcoming, and comforting. The German-Finn-Norweigian-American household was a joyful place over the next few days.
I was shepherded inside and like most Norwegian households, asked to take my shoes off at the door. Most people (both in north and south Norway) will wear house slippers or socks inside. Many people have a small area or room by the front door to leave shoes (Every place we entered in Svalbard would be the same including the museums, hotel, and even some of the gift shops. In Svalbard many of the museums had shoes for you to borrow or blue coverings for your socks).
The house is beautiful and picturesque. Fredi and Girlinde have built a sun room off the back room. She felt that if she was going to live in a place where you don't get sun for six months, she wanted to make sure she could have the sun available at all times. The room really opens the rest of the house and floods it with light.
Norwegian homes are comparatively the same size as those in America. However, in America I'm use to big appliances. Huge refrigerators, stoves, and washers dominate rooms, appliances are quite smaller in Norway. It was a quiet reminder of how much power and consumption we use in the States without thought. (The Solheim's dishwasher is slightly bigger than a large microwave oven and sits on the counter top.) Everything is compact and made to save space. Bathrooms contain showers with two doors forming a triangle for the area in which to bathe. Europe really is known for using space wisely.
Before dinner I ran up to my room and collected the presents I had brought. We laughed and decreed it Christmas in July. Although nothing was wrapped, I think everyone had a great time opening the gifts.
We had a fantastic evening. I ate freshly caught fish. It was served still with the tail attached, but happily no head. I generally dislike fish - I'm not a fan of the fishy taste that lingers on everything. My new friends all taught me how to eat fish and watch out for the bones. I've determined fresh Norwegian fish tastes significantly better than frozen Norwegian fish flown in to the states. I ate one side of the fish and my hosts pointed out I could flip it over and eat the other side after scraping the skin away. I was quite full and declined the offer, thinking from where I stood it looked pretty well-eaten with the small bones fanned out along the carcass. Jimmy would get to eat the rest of my food after it had been scraped by someone much more proficient at it then I.
After dinner we talked about school and kids and classes. My young friend left the dinner table early and bounced back and forth with the conversation. It's hard to be a kid when all the adults want to do is talk and chat; she had much more patience then I had at her age. We had a lot of education to chat about, it's not every day we get to talk about students, programs, and expectations from another country and life in America. In America, we're so focused on what other American schools are doing right and working to improve our own school -- it's interesting to get a fresh perspective on what's working. We have the same overall problems - dress code, lack of respect, parent support... somehow its nice having verification that what is working for us, and not working for us, is the same in another country. Birger and his wife teach in two different schools, so between the three of us we had different and yet similar experiences. He teaches a series of history classes including one on American history, she teaches English and I had to try and explain how I teach World Cultures - a combination of history, culture, and geography. (Everyone on the trip, found it fascinating - in a horrified sense- that the State of Texas expects the children to learn history, culture, and geography together in the same year. Of course most people were pretty shocked to hear our kids have two years of Texas history in the 4th and 7th grade. Seeing as the Texas Education Agency just past the history standards for the next ten years, our children will still be receiving two years of Texas History for the foreseeable future.)
Going to bed that night it was good to be in Northern Norway knowing I had survived the Oslo airport and airplanes on my own and while not quite ready to tackle living in a foreign country by myself, I proved to myself I could navigate from point A to point B on my own.
Friday, August 6, 2010
June 21, 2010: Oslo airport and a flight north...
The previous day, one of the fabulous meals I had partaken included dining with Mrs. Solheim's sister, Inga. Inga is a joyous person who not only kept the conversation going, but also lent me a much needed pair of ski pants and short boots. Mrs. Solheim's family lives quite close to each other and can visit often: her brother in the neighboring house, Inga a few km away, and their 101-year old mother just down the street in an elder home. Inga had mentioned she and two of Anne's children (Dr. and Mrs. Solheim's daughter) were going on an ice-fishing trip together the next morning, but would be at the airport after I had already left.
The plane ride was normal. We pulled out from the gate right on schedule and departed soon after. The ride north offered a view of Norway peaking between the clouds. Everyone had apologized for the light drizzle that misted over the country and couldn't believe I found it charming. Living in Texas, you learn to appreciate water and rain in all it's forms.
We crossed the Arctic circle without incident and continued north toward Tromo. The airline offered food and beverage for sale including: Pringles = 25 NOK, 33cl Coke = 25 NOK, Cheeseburger = 60 NOK, and Hval airbag- kid's sweets = 60 NOK. I learned Fanta is more popular than Coke in Norway, and on the airline Fanta/Sprite = 60 NOK.
Landing in Tromso we waited a few minutes for our gate. Tromo is considered one of Norway's major cities; the airport is a major hub for regional and international flight as it is the largest airport in Northern Norway. That being said, it is still a relatively small airport and it took a few extra minutes for a gate to open.
I made my way to baggage claim trying to remember exactly what the newest borrowed suitcase looked like. I remembered it was blue and I think it had a purple ribbon attached. I also started to wonder where I was going to meet my friends - saying "at the airport" seemed like such a good idea at the time and although I felt the airport was small, all of a sudden the airport was seeming rather large and looming as I waited for my luggage. I stress too much about inconsequential things, soon enough Birger found me and introduced me to his beautiful wife, wonderful child, and their Alabama-born American dog Jimmy - who growled at me. Turns out he growls at just about everyone.... I would spend the next three days reminding him that I too was an American and he had to like me. He didn't think much of that.